Hi, I'm Nick Batmanglidj.

Full Stack Developer

About me

I am a Web Developer in Parker, CO. I Love to code, I have been self teaching since I was in highschool. Starting out with building games and moving over to Web Development, I have spent the last few years learning about the web and how it works. It's been a fun and insightful journey and I'm excited to keep learning and grow as a developer!


I am a Full Stack Developer that has experience with a lot of relavent web technologies.












I have experience working in an agile enviroment, working with teams and alone. Below are some of my recent projects that I think showcase some of what I can do.


React | GraphQL | Apollo | Postgres | Prisma

You can watch a short video demo of this project here.

This project is a tool to help teams delegate tasks not critical to the final product. I helped build it with a team of 5 people over the course of 5 weeks. We took an existing codebase and completely refactored it from the ground up learning an unfamiliar tech stack along the way. I took the lead on the front end, laying out most of the ground work and taking on a lead / support role when the other team members moved over to the front end.

Link Repo


React | Chakra-UI | Nodejs | Express | Socketio

This project is a loose recreation of popular chat site Omegle using express and socketio. On the front end I am using react and chakra ui to style everything, this took me a few days to make. I have linked the front end repo but if you are interested here is the back-end repo as well.

Site Repo

Training Tool

React | React hooks | JavaScript

This is a project I made in my own time to help a family member train for a new job. They were having trouble understanding how the keys for different apartments were stored. In this app I generate fake apartment buildings, rooms and keys for those rooms using vanilla Javascript so that the keys are different every time. The goal is to use the generated chart that you can open and correctly match the key number to the room. I thought this was a really cool project because it actually helped out the person I made it for.

Link Repo

Starwars Redux

React | Redux | React-Bootstrap

I decided to make this project to help me understand redux and it's best practices a little bit better. I also wanted to make a bigger application using redux to see what that would be like and how it would all fit together. I learned a ton from this project and think it is worth showing off.

Link Repo


Feel free to get in touch via my email nickbatmanglidj@gmail.com